To actively "not write" is an
awful thing. Sure, my kitchen has never been cleaner, and my bathtub sparkles,
but inside, I’m sinking. Each moment that the words don’t come feels like
another part of me shriveling up, reduced to silence.
As this awful feeling and I have
become friends over the years, I’ve developed some strategies for what some
people call #WritersBlock. Perhaps one or another of these approaches will work
for you. In hopes that they’re useful, I present:
The junk mail trick
"To whom am I talking?"
Go for a walk
Scrub the tub
The bullet point approach
Jump a section
Whiteboard it
Put in the time
Colored inks
Write to Cousin Tim
Poster paper
Move to the slide-deck version
The Pomodoro
Don't finish
The business card approach
Brown noise
Why it's not working
Don't write: dictate
Read more
Small chunky bits
The junk mail trick:
A big blank piece of paper is
scary. Halloween haunted house levels of scary. This might help:
I used old envelopes from the junk mail pile to write my
MA thesis. Turn it at an angle, and you have to write one word, then three
words, then 6 words, then the full sentence....
Then after half an hour I'd type
it in and it would be a paragraph or two
The bullet point approach:
Everyone always tells me to
outline first. But me? I don't know what I'm going to say until I write it.
So I don't outline; I just take
10 minutes and try to get out 20 bullet points. I'll use about 7 of them. It’s
like scribbling on a napkin – low stakes, and the end product can be discarded
at will.
Honestly, this often gives me 2-3
paragraphs worth of evidence and thoughts about them – and editing from something
is always easier than starting from zero
Colored inks:
I take 10 different pens --
different textures and colors. I lay them out. I set a timer for 3 minutes,
choose a pen, and write a sentence with that color/texture. Then 3 minutes and
another color/texture. Then 3 minutes and... my brain has taken over and I'm
writing stuff so I stick with that pen for a while. But it gets me over the
hurdle. And a ball point and a felt tip pen write different kinds of words, a
weird but true fact (for me)
The Pomodoro:
Sometimes the problem is trying
to write too much. Trying to write a paper? Impossible. Trying to write the
next paragraph? That’s at least dwelling in the realm of possibilities.
So: set a pomodoro (named after the timer): 5 minutes for
planning, 25 minutes for writing on THAT ONE THING. Paragraph 2 of section 7,
or whatever.
Don't worry about the whole of
it, worry about the next thing to do.
Also, I sometimes do this in sets in
a group setting ("writing retreat") -- we all log in and share our
plan, then do 3 pomodoros with 10 minutes between. That's some sweet writing,
and a celebration at the end
Why it's not working
I take 30 minutes and list all
the reasons it's not working. I don't know enough about X, I hate my topic, the
fridge needs cleaning, all those thousands of reasons that the writing isn't
coming together. Then I pick a fixable one and work on that for 15 minutes.
I often get farther in those 15
minutes than in the previous day, TBH
"To whom am I talking?"
Set aside the content of your
project and brainstorm the people in your world. With whom are you engaged --
whose work is driving your thinking right now, who do you hope picks up your
book/article, who do you want to overwrite so that the TRUTH is seen, and so
Then, revisit your outline or
bullet point list to see WHERE you're going to talk to them, and explain
something for your favorite imagined reader in words they'd understand
Jump a section
Okay, this part isn't ready to
be written. So put in a placeholder and jump to a section that's going to go rip-roaringly
fast. That part where you deconstruct someone's argument and explain it from a
different perspective. The part where you're describing your data and just have
to get that down on page. The part where you justify your methodology
Progress doesn't have to be
linear, it just has to be progress
Write to Cousin Tim
Sometimes it helps to spend a
writing session explaining your project to an outsider. This is what I'm doing,
this is why I'm doing it, this is how it's frustrating, this is how it's going
to be so cool when it's done. I often draft an email to my Cousin Tim. (Sometimes
I even send it – with a front-end explanation of getting over the stuck-ness. Groove
on your weird, right?)
Then lift whatever sentences are
ready, and turn other things into bullet points
Don't finish
This is one from the "how
to write" lit: Leave yourself mid-thought at the end of the day.
I'm terrible at this, but it's a
great concept. You end your writing session with the question or thought
mid-formulated, so when you sit down tomorrow it's easy to pick up the thread.
My best solution on this is to
end the day with an all caps question for the next day: WHY DOES THIS DATA
SUGGEST XXXX and then when I log in I just have to answer that question.
Don't write: dictate
I do this one a TON: I do a
really rough outline (half-page at most) for a chapter or a section, playing
around with the order until it makes sense.
Then I pick up a voice recorder
(Hello, cellphone) and I dictate the "lecture" in 5 minute chunks.
Then I type it up and edit it.
I've found that larger (e.g. 45
minute) chunks are harder to work with, but in principle it's just the
"talk It out" that's important here.
Go for a walk
I'm a walker. I pose myself a
problem, and go for a 2 mile walk. At the end of the first half-mile, I've
usually got a paragraph. At the midpoint, I may need to pull off the trail, sit
down and throw a bunch of stuff onto the paper. I almost always make at least
one critically important connection or have a significant insight.
(You can combine this with
dictation, but I've found that for me walking and writing are a better match
for large-scale progress)
Whiteboard it
There's something uniquely
satisfying about standing at a whiteboard with colored markers making it make
sense. So do that. And then keep working the details, and then the explanation
for those details, until you're looking for the fine-tip marker and a spare bit
of space, at which point it's probably time to capture all that writing on the
Poster-paper brain-dump
Poster paper
Get a giant piece of paper --
butcherblock paper or those poster paper things -- and tape them up in your
Use those to do a brain dump. I
do associative outlining in a kind of spider-web diagrammish sort of way, but I
also have random blocks of "this is in there too"
I might layer that with what
have I read / what do I need to read
The business card approach
This is the opposite of butcher
paper: go small. One thought per card. I used up most of a box of old business
cards on this a couple of articles ago -- each idea goes on a card, and I went
as FAST as I could go. I might do 7 on a topic (go fast) and then switch to
some other aspect of the content (go fast), and then... I did 3 separate
sessions of making cards, and then sorted them out like a sunflower with its
Then I typed it up and wrote
transitions. I should do this again; I made such AMAZING progress
Read more
This one is risky, b/c there's
always more to read. But, sometimes I need a better overview of the topic than
I've got activated, so I do the spreadsheet reading approach -- what's my
literature? What gap was each author trying to fill? what methods did they use?
What evidence do they have that I want, what findings did they make that make
me feel strongly. What 3 quotes might I use from this.
I highlight what I want to be
sure to cite, & write from there
Scrub the tub
This may be everyone's favorite
standby for writer’s block, but hear me out. Sometimes, following up on that
urge to avoid gives you time for the ideas to gel. Scrubbing the bathtub or
organizing the cabinets IS part of the writing process
But set the bargain in advance,
and follow through:
Okay, I'll scrub the tub. But then I'm going to write 5
sentences. Or bullet point. Or stand at my whiteboard for 5 min
It's not a lot, but remember the
Little by little, and sooner or later it all gets done
Put in the time
Sometimes, you just have to sit
with it not coming quickly. A lot of how-to-write advice is about word count,
and as a counting type person that speaks to my itch.
But in reality, it's the time
with the project that is making the difference. Whether it's a 10-minute
session or a half-day, try to USE the time you've got as best you can.
Measure important progress: I connected this idea with that one and now I need
to explain that = progress
Move to the slide-deck version
Most of us work in a slide-deck world, where our prose needs
a visual accompaniment in some formats, and not in others. If your prose for
the narrative version gets stuck, flip to the slide-deck and use visualization to
outline the section. Is this section 4 slides or 5? What images will it use? What
will you say about them? Oh wait, that’s prose. Now move it back to your
narrative and adjust the text with that necessary shift of style
Brown noise
Is your busy-beaver brain in the way of thinking about this
current project? Turn on some brown noise (like white noise, but deeper, and a
bit more irregular). It rumbles, and gives visceral me something to do so that
prose-generating me can actually tend to task instead of checking in on that
other layer of thought (I prefer brown noise to music, since when music is
going I invariably wind up listening too actively to it -- bad for generating
Small chunky bits
My last thought for today is
that it's okay for writing to be in the in-betweens. I have written a paragraph
standing in line at the grocery store, dictated the transition to the next
section while waiting at the stoplight, run in from weeding the garden to make
note of those three examples which are perfect for section 7. All of that is
writing, even though it's not that "scholar sitting at the desk"
approach that my advisor used. Just write. You'll get there.
My take-away:
Writing isn’t always about grand
revelations or hours of uninterrupted work. Sometimes it’s those small,
in-between moments that add up. It’s the thinking that you do when you’re doing
other things. (Why is it that the BEST ideas come to us in the shower? When you’re
deep in the throes of a project, have a pen and pad EVERYWHERE so you capture
the bits that help with the session tomorrow!)
In other words, your goal isn’t
to write the whole thing, it’s to build momentum by writing the next
thing. Whether you're outlining the chapter or just scribbling notes on the
back of a receipt, trust that the process is working.
The words will come, and when
they do, the silence will feel like a distant memory.